Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday! – These are the words that greeted me, as I walked in my office today. Claire, our receptionist greets every person in our building with these words every Thursday and we all marvel at her enthusiasm and cheer. I like to catch up with Claire when time permits and that girl does not fail to amaze me.
Claire is not an employee of my company. She is recruited by an agency, at a salary that really could be better than what it is now. She stays in Deira and takes the public bus to work, which means that she has a one hour commute to work one way, and on days of bad traffic (which is very often) she is stuck on the roads for more than two hours one way. She is required to put in twelve hours of work daily. So she is up at 5, at work by 7, leaves office at 7- a whole twelve hours later and gets home only by 9. She says that the only thing she manages to do after getting home is eat and iron her clothes for the next day. And yet, every morning she is at her desk, juggling between phone calls, visitors, courier guys and all of us and smiling through it all.
Friday and Saturday is the weekend in Dubai, so Thursdays are special days for Claire and us, so she makes sure she spreads the cheer of Thursday around. She amazed me yet again recently when I out that she works six days a week and is at work every Saturday. If I were her I am sure that would have diluted the pleasure of ‘Happy Thursday’ for me but then, if I were her I don’t think there would have been greetings of ‘Happy Thursday’.
So here’s to Happy Thursdays and to Claire and to how she finds pleasure in the simplest of things. And also to how that pleasure seems to only increase with every passing week.
Happy Thursday all!


Subhadip said...

Wow! "Finding pleasure in small things" - that's a real positive and happy attitude! Hats off to Claire.

Kanchan said...

I made Claire read your comment and she is thrilled :)