Thursday, January 29, 2009

Eat, Pray, Love

I’m reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love these days and can’t seem to be able to put the book down. It is simply written and so profound and heartfelt. I love the bits where when troubled, she writes to God and gets a reply!
I’m a complete believer in God or the Supreme Presence as I prefer to call It and I’m going through a phase of deep gratitude these days. I’ve heard so much about the Universe conspiring to give you what you want, if you just ask for it. I experienced it earlier this week when my Mom had a bit of a panic attack regarding the state of my parents’ finances and how they would manage their bills and other expenses. I told her that the money would come when needed and sure enough the next day I got a very decent bonus from office, as part of the quarterly commissions. Decent enough to wipe my Mom’s worries away. This is not short of a miracle for me, considering I’m still on probation and get confirmed only later next month.
This made me realize, yet again, the power of prayer. I’ve altered my prayers slightly these days. I’m asking the Supreme Presence to help me realize the purpose of my life and to give me a sign that tells me – This is the purpose of your life, now do your best to serve it.


Subhadip said...

Amen to that :)

Anuradha said...

oh yeah there have been times when you believe that nothings gonna change and whew suddenly there comes a surprise and everything falls into place !!

About trying to find the purpose of life, i have spent umpteen years pondering, reading books, watching movies trying to figure that out but have fallen flat out and I guess what I have learnt is don't fret about it but just enjoy the good times !!