Friday, January 30, 2009

Bowling, dancing and more......

It was my boss Fiona’s birthday yesterday and she took us out bowling. It was good fun and at the end of three hours I had chipped off the nail of my thumb and my right hand was aching. It still is, as I type this….
Having fun is the new mantra so I didn’t want to decline an invitation to go dancing with my colleagues last Thursday night. Since I have two left feet and cannot move more than two body parts at the same time I was terribly conscious of everything I was doing on the dance floor. I wouldn’t dignify the action by calling it dancing! I’d stepped into a discotheque after about two years and had almost forgotten the ‘moves’. It was fun eventually….
And then there’s my neice Aditi, all of two years and four months, learning to dance and not self-conscious at all. As her Mom says – Dancing is her newest thing. I got these photographs today. My sister labelled the photographs 'Pillu-dance' :-)


Subhadip said...

Aditi is so cute :) Not being self conscious while dancing is the key I guess; but I wouldn't know: can't dance even if my life depended on it!

Kanchan said...

Yes, Aditi is very cute and a constant source of entertainment and delight :)
Thank you for reading my posts, you are probably the only one, other than my ever loyal friend Tanu, who actually reads them. I like your blog and am waiting for a new post from you...

Subhadip said...

It's a pleasure. I am sure others read it too, but they don't leave a comment, so you don't get to know :)

Post posted.

Sangita said...

Hey Kanch,

Did not know you blogged. Very entertaining and thought provoking :)Let me see if I get inspired to write some day :).


Kanchan said...

Hey Sangs,

I didn’t expect to see you on blogger too :) Neuro-noise – interesting name, what’s your blog going to be about? I’ve been a closet blogger so far and have only recently started sharing it. Not that much happens to write about anyway, but I’ve always wanted to write, so this keeps me going :)