Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last few minutes of my birthday....

So yet another birthday, yet another year and yet another beginning. Just another ten minutes to go before my birthday ends, as per the time zone in Germany. It has been a great birthday spent with my sister and brother-in-law and of course the good old husband. My sister's in-laws baked me a cake and they made up for the absence of my parents here. Photos will be added on soon.
I'm writing this post in a slightly intoxicated state so you must pardon the exagerrated sentiments, but this is a great moment to thank everyone for just being there. Ever since I have got Feedjit installed on my blog I know who visits it. Thank you to everyone for stopping by. Must admit that there have been moments when I thought I was the only person reading what I wrote. A special thank you to the person following my blog from Los Gatos, California. Thank you. I would love to know more about you. I am planning a visit to California in April and cannot wait for that vacation!

1 comment:

Butterfly said...

Happy Belated Birthday. :-)Do you like Germany?