Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Musings at 2 a.m.

I was thinking of updating my blog earlier today and was wondering what to write about. Could think of nothing interesting. It occurred to me that I wasn't sure of whether I drive my blog or whether my blog drives me. As in - do I try to do interesting things so that I can write about them or do I write about interesting things because I do them anyway? Still don't know the answer.

The last few days have been uneventful, the only saving grace being my Arabic classes that started about a week ago. I had forgotten how interesting and challenging it is to learn a new language. It's fun being a student again, to get new books and instruction sheets and a roll number. My classes happen thrice a week from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. and I rush from office to make it to my lecture on time. I'm amazed at our capacity to fill more things into our day when we put our mind to it. A couple of months ago I would have probably shuddered at the thought of doing something after work, but now I seem to be able to put in a long day at work, attend my classes after that and return home to other domestic chores and it all feels quite effortless (till now atleast). It's feels nice to have a full day and it makes the next free evening even more special.

Will end the idle musings of my mind on that happy note. It's almost 2.30 a.m. and will have to be up in a couple of hours to meet the challenges of another new day...


Butterfly said...

That's a nice question you know!After reading it, I sked myself the same question and I too couldn't really find an answer to it...
It always is challenging to learn something new, whether its a new language or something else. During the first few days of facing the challenge, it is particluarly interesting. Wish you all the best with your Arabic classes. :-)

Kanchan said...

Thanks Butterfly. Yes, it's challenging to learn something new and my Arabic classes are keeping me on my toes :)

Subhadip said...

You don't have to pressurize yourself for this blog - your posts are interesting anyway. It's always nice to know things happening elsewhere in the world, through the eyes of others. Gives a new perspective, I think. Sometimes, it could also inspire others - like your language class did to me (well ... not so much to join a class, but still...).

So, to cut a long lecture short... write what you feel like. Cheers :)

Dhrubo said...

Arabic....a friend of mine is going insane over it. Love all the Austen in your shelf.

Anuradha said...

hey just keep writing when you can.. Don't let the pressure be the demon :)

Kanchan said...

Thanks all for your comments.
B.O'Hemian - I agree with you on getting to see the world from another perspective when you read other blogs. I enjoy that too!
Dhrubo - I hope your freind is going insane over Arabic in a good way :) I am a HUGE Austen fan and have even been to her museum in Bath. I went to Bath only because of her. I can share the pics with you, if you're intersted.
From your profile I see that we share a lot of reading interests...
Anu - Thanks :) I'm not letting the pressure get to me as such, but it's interesting to see how for days at end there is lots to write about and then there are weeks when nothing exciting happens. I am going through the latter these days :)