I wish I could attribute my long silence on the blog to more exciting reasons but alas that's not the case. It so turned out, one fine day in early December last year, that my husband got a call from home saying that his mother was in hospital due to a wound that led to complications thanks (or no thanks) to her diabetes. The result: 54 days on and she is still in hospital, but thankfully recovering well. Three valuable lessons learnt are as follows:
1. Exercise for just 20 minutes a day but do that diligently. If you are diabetic there is no way you can skip this one.
2. When you start feeling any pain, anywhere, go the doctor to get that checked. My MIL thought she had a muscle pull and did not go to the doctor till many days later, and that has cost her a long stay in hospital not to mention the pain and a (very) hefty hospital bill.
3. Learn to read the signs your body gives you. For example the kind of diet/exercise you have maintained over the last few days will immediately reflect on your skin. So if you start noticing pimples you know it's a sign to stop and make amends quickly - whether diabetic or not.
With that I'm off to the gym now for my 20 minutes of exercise. Of course, sometimes I literally drag my feet there but I have always come out of the gym feeling fitter and more energized. So here's to a fitter 2012 and Mummy if you ever read this - please take care of yourself and do not give us a scare like you did this time!